Saturday, 29th November, 2014
is the title of the Erasmus Plus project’s first conference, which was held on the
29th November, 2014 at the “Leonardo da Vinci” Technical High School Auditorium.
After the
initial greetings from headmaster Odoardo Fontani,
together with the project coordinator, teacher Annalisa Di Pierro, many
comments about the issue of job and employment were done.
“Employment” is, indeed, the main topic of the
project called “Employability – A challenge for youth – Dreams and Reality”,
which all the European participating schools are going to develop in the
following two years.
At the
conference, third class students who participate at the Erasmus+ programme and
some other terminal classes, joined experts’ presentations with great interest
and enthusiasm, accepting suggestions and asking questions related to the
debated issues.
speakers who took part in the conference:
- Mrs. Maria Luisa Chiofalo, Councillor of Educational and Socio-educational Policies in Pisa District.
- Mr. Alberto Susini, Pisa Chamber of Commerce Officer in Studies Statistic and External Relationships’ Department. His report was: “I dati sulla domanda di lavoro…“ (“The demand for labour data…”).
- Mrs. Maria Teresa Triveno from Pisa Employment Centre.
- Mr. Tommaso Visone, European Policies Expert from “Scuola Superiore S.Anna”.
- Mr. Becuzzi, Builder Expert, College of Experts Representative, Province of Pisa.
- Mr. Maurizio Mori, Representative of School Orientation Project.
- Mr. Antonio Baselice, Industrial Expert and former ITIS student.
- Arch. Carlo Raffaelli, Communication Expert.
A heart-felt
thanks to all participants, especially for their contribution to the success of
this important educational event.
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